Sara, a puppy's tale.

The story (with a very happy ending) of Sara the shabrador*  puppy began in 1997 when her mothers owner found her ( and two other puppies ) on the kitchen floor one morning.! The dogs owner had not noticed that the 'mother' was carrying puppies and was, mildly put, very surprised. After a few weeks of worry, the owner took the very wise decision to hand over the puppies to Hundstallet, one of Sweden's best known dog homes.

Usually the dogs arriving here have been mistreated at best, but happily for Sara, such was not the case with her. Her owner simply wanted the pups to quickly find a new and caring home.  A few days later, I visited Hundstallet for a quite different reason and saw Sara. Puppies of all races seem to have the gift of choosing their new owners by a complex process of licking, telepathy, eye contact, biting, and generally looking sad. Sara was no exception. A day later she moved north from Stockholm to Täby ( about 20 km ), to her new home.

The images of the shabrador puppy, Sara. begin at just over 8 weeks old. I think they tell their own story.

Also seen in many of the images are Isak, a Golden Retriever then 3 years old, and Lisa, also a Golden, 6 years old, with several of their young friends.

LATEST NEWS : June 1999.  Sara & Isak now live together and have become parents to 8 truly wonderful puppies ! ( they also have their very own web pages )

to the images of Sara, the puppy  |   to the images of Sara and Isak's puppies

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